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Quiz for Your Biz

Quizzes are powerful. People love them, and they get you amazing personalized info on your shiny new leads. Then you get to follow up with people and serve them (and sell to them) better than ever.

But if you're wondering:

  • What tech and tools do I use? There are a bunch of options and some sound really expensive or complicated.
  • What should I even make the quiz about?! I want it to actually get the right leads.
  • How do I connect the quiz to my email list and set up the different follow-ups?
  • How do I get people to take it? Do I have to spend a ton of money on ads?

I can help!

My team builds high-end quiz funnels with all the bells and whistles.

Pssst - some of our clients' quizzes are currently converting views to leads 10x better than a typical lead magnet. That's a big deal. Imagine if you were adding people to your audience that much faster.

I'm going to break it down so that you can DIY it in 4 weeks or less. You'll get:

  • A recorded workshop with me to get you started.
  • Tech recommendations and how-to videos.
  • Worksheets and resources for planning out questions and content that people can't resist.
  • An entire week on how to write the custom welcome sequences that turn all those new leads into paying customers!
  • Copy review and question brainstorming with me via email whenever you need it for 30 days (just in case!)

I know the tech inside and out. I know what emails to send as follow-ups. I know how to market the quiz after it's all made. And I used to be a teacher, so I'll help you make sure the quiz actually asks the right questions!

These are prerecorded workshops, so you can get started right away!

All the benefits of a fun custom quiz that gets people clicking. None of the headaches and no more excuses ;)

I'm here to answer questions as you work through the materials and start building your quiz, so you know you'll have the support and resources that knock out tech roadblocks and make sure you're sharing your amazing new quiz all around the internet by the end of our four weeks!


    Questions about any of this or if a quiz would even work for your business?? Email me at

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